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Hiring Locally versus Building an Offshore Team

As MSP businesses continue to thrive through the uptick in tech solutions in various aspects of our lives, the need for team effort to meet the demand grows alongside with it. 

The team needs to expand to be able to provide more support to clients, find new leads, and even handle the influx of money flow. 

But, for most countries, growing finding talent takes weeks and up to even months, and that is if one is found one at all.  

Hiring locally is usually the first thought for most businesses, but if they had started with looking into offshoring first, it would have saved them a lot of effort and expenses in finding the right people. 

If you are still at that fork on the road whether you should wait to find that local talent, here are a few thoughts to encourage you to take on the road less traveled of hiring an offshore team. 

The Bigger Talent Pool with Great Skills to Match 

Compared to the size of your local talent pool, the pool countries like of the Philippines is bigger, giving more opportunities to finding the right person for the job.  

Lower Risk  

There is significantly lower risk (in terms of cost and skill mismatch) when hiring an offshore staff than when you hire a local talent. 

TGT, in particular, has a careful and thorough screening and skill assessment that curbs or eliminates the risk of hiring the wrong talent. 

 Less Admin Work 

With a local talent, you would have to worry about such things as onboarding, payroll processing, and team monitoring. All these are handled by the offshore staffing provider, which gives you more time on your hands. 

If you are still undecided, it does not hurt to learn more about venturing into offshoring solutions. Have a conversation with us, email us at or use this form.

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